When I was a kid, I became aware very early that many people around me (as well as the world in general) were in need of healing. For that matter, so was I. And so I set out to do what I could about that.
I eventually became a pediatrician, which is a really great place to start if you want to do some healing. Again, this was as important for myself as for the kids and families I’ve had the privilege to serve over the past three decades.
But while I was pursuing science to figure out how to cure people, I realized that healing is not the same as curing. Sometimes there is no cure. But we can always be present to heal.
For me, sometimes that happens with a stethoscope. Sometimes with a story and a song.
So, why KENHALLER.NET? Well, the short answer is that the KenHaller dot com and the dot org were taken, presumably by other Ken Hallers. But dot net is fine because that is what I try to cast a wide one of. (I’m sure that Sister John Michael from St. Ignatius Catholic School in Hicksville, NY, would absolutely cringe at the construction of that last sentence.) I enjoy reaching out to individuals and communities to create a network of healing, whether through medicine, theater, music, storytelling, blogging, policy creation, or advocacy, and I have had the privilege of being able to have my voice heard on a range of topics in the news media, live performance, social media, and policy agencies.
Tikkun Olam is a Jewish concept defined by acts of kindness performed to perfect or repair the world. I am also deeply aware that I have way more privilege than most people, and so I think of my personal healing mission as working to assure that every human being has at least as much privilege to express and be themselves as I have had throughout my life.
Okay, that’s it. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you’ll cruise around, see what you like, sign up for notices of upcoming events, come back as I add more content, and maybe drop me a line. I would especially love to hear what you do to be a healing presence in the world.